
Friday Favorites

Friday, January 3, 2014

For my inaugural Friday Favorites, I'm going to tell you about an exceptional facial cleanser.

I told you this blog would be a little bit of everything.  You were warned.

Clarins One Step Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser has been a lifesaver so far this winter.  My typical winter routine in this, the land of no moisture of any kind whatsoever, involves two types of moisturizers and, depending on the dryness of the skin on my nose, a lip balm chaser.  Yes, lip balm on my nose.  I am super classy.  However, after getting a sample of this wonder cleanser in a Sephora purchase I haven't had to use the lip/nose balm once.  This must be what normality feels like.

The cleanser has a light, citrusy/orangey fragrance that makes me think of summer and sherbet as I scrub away the dry winter flakiness.  And the super-tiny microbead exfoliators don't bother my skin like the multitudes of others I've tried.

Give it a shot!  It beats the heck out of smelling like Carmex all day.

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