
This is me.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I realize blogging is, like, so 2003.  What with the ease of jotting 140 characters or snapping and chatting or clicking reblog on Tumblr to get your point across.  And I do all that (except for Snapchat.  I haven't made it there yet.) But what I do most on all the social media sites that I visit obsessively is like things or reblog things or favorite things -- I skulk, basically.  I depend on everyone else to entertain me or inform me or inspire me or -- from time to time -- infuriate me.  It's time for me to attempt to do most (or all) of those things for other people.  

Enter The Everyday Hedgehog.

I've tried the whole blogging thing before:  there was a knitting/crafting blog that was eventually abandoned because I never actually finished my knitting projects and a couple of lifestyle blogs that went belly up because I lost motivation.  Actually, no -- they died because they were built on a perfectly styled bed of lies.  I tried to style my life to look like the ones I saw and envied on other blogs.  And that never works, I'm here to tell you.  

So what's this blog about?  That is a giant bowl of "I have no idea."  I've been grappling with that question for a while now and agonizing over the things savvy people probably have all the answers for when they start a blog: 

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What will the focus be?
  • If I talk a lot about this thing, does it mean I can't talk about that thing?
  • etc.
I have no answers.  I wish I did.  I could go on forever asking the questions and still be sitting here next January with nothing to show for it.  All I know is that I'm a Teen Services Librarian at a public library, so you might see some stuff about what I do for a living.  I'm occasionally a lifestyle photographer (people pay me and everything :) and very often a snapshot-taker, so you're likely to see  photos and photo-related things.  I read a lot and shop a lot and watch a lot of movies and TV and listen to a lot of music, so there will be some reviewing and opinionating about all those things.  Finally, I've wanted to be a writer since the day I was born.  And in trying to get out of my own way and turn off the incessant snarling of my inner editor I have come here.  

Hi.  Let's do this.

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